

My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: My favorite - Black Bean Omelette
Lunch: Running errands all day - I think I lived on coffee for most of the day.
Dinner: Chicken Thai salad
Mood: Nutrition course starts soon.  Happy about that.  Working on getting a new job in the next few weeks.  Hopeful about that.
Weather: Gorgeous.  60s and 70s and sunny.  My favorite.
Weight: Didn't weigh-in.  Didn't care.
TV: Finally watched The Bachelor season finale.  I'm actually happy with how it ended.  
Happenings: My daughter placed in the graphics design competition for her logo for the fictitious 'Cloud 9 Cafe.'
Reading: 28 Days to a More Magnetic Life by Sandra Anne Taylor.  Great affirmations for positive thinking.


March 15th


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

Here is how I spent my day.
Breakfast: Simple breakfast - 2 eggs and a slice of Ezekiel bread with coconut oil.
Lunch: An even simpler lunch - a pear with natural peanut butter.
Dinner: Picked up a veggie egg white flatbread from Dunkin Donuts.
Mood: My back really hurts today - back and sides.  Still waiting on the results from the doctor about it.
Weather: Cold, but sunny.
Weight: No change.  That's fine by me.  :)
TV: Caught up on some of my Dr. Oz episodes.  Soooo much info.  It's hard to keep up!
Gaming: Playing Battlefield 3 on the XBox 360 with an old friend from work.  I'm still working on my skillz.
Reading: Back to finishing up 'David Copperfield.'  I really liked this one.  Tomorrow I finish 'Tom Sawyer' and then I have 2 papers to write for school.


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Black Bean Omelette with Ezekiel bread and coconut oil and almond slivers.
Lunch: Egg whites and a baked apple.
Dinner: A turkey burker with peppers, onions, basil, garlic and a slice of avocado on one slice of Ezekiel bread.
Mood: Doing okay.  Been feeling under the weather lately, but hopefully will be on the mend soon.
Weather: Cold, but sunny.
Weight: Eh - I didn't check.
TV: Watching the Sunday episode of Celebrity Apprentice.
Blank on Purpose: Blank on Purpose.  (duh)
Reading: Finished A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1) Wow.  Not amazing, but there are quite a few characters that really caught my attention.  I definitely want to read the next ones to see what happens.


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary


So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Odd breakfast, but yummy.  Baked salmon, pears and some herbal tea.
Lunch: Chicken/Baby Clam Thai Salad
Dinner: Baked cod, a chickpea salad and pears.
Mood: Feeling very motivated.  I plan on getting a lot done this week.
Weather: Cold, with a little bit of snow.
Weight: Well, I am back to 140 lbs.  Ack.  March = crunch time!
TV: Started watching the 'United States of Tara' on Netflix.
Gaming: Played 'Battlefield 3' co-op with a friend.  He rocked. I rocked (not so much.)  I'm more of a medieval hack and slash game player.  Not too familiar with the shoot 'em up games.  But I like this one and plan on getting good.  :)
Reading: Almost done with A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1)  I like it so far.  The HBO series is er...explicit.

March 4th Journal


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