

I Know My Colors...Not

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My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: My favorite - Black Bean Omelette
Lunch: Running errands all day - I think I lived on coffee for most of the day.
Dinner: Chicken Thai salad
Mood: Nutrition course starts soon.  Happy about that.  Working on getting a new job in the next few weeks.  Hopeful about that.
Weather: Gorgeous.  60s and 70s and sunny.  My favorite.
Weight: Didn't weigh-in.  Didn't care.
TV: Finally watched The Bachelor season finale.  I'm actually happy with how it ended.  
Happenings: My daughter placed in the graphics design competition for her logo for the fictitious 'Cloud 9 Cafe.'
Reading: 28 Days to a More Magnetic Life by Sandra Anne Taylor.  Great affirmations for positive thinking.


March 15th


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

Here is how I spent my day.
Breakfast: Simple breakfast - 2 eggs and a slice of Ezekiel bread with coconut oil.
Lunch: An even simpler lunch - a pear with natural peanut butter.
Dinner: Picked up a veggie egg white flatbread from Dunkin Donuts.
Mood: My back really hurts today - back and sides.  Still waiting on the results from the doctor about it.
Weather: Cold, but sunny.
Weight: No change.  That's fine by me.  :)
TV: Caught up on some of my Dr. Oz episodes.  Soooo much info.  It's hard to keep up!
Gaming: Playing Battlefield 3 on the XBox 360 with an old friend from work.  I'm still working on my skillz.
Reading: Back to finishing up 'David Copperfield.'  I really liked this one.  Tomorrow I finish 'Tom Sawyer' and then I have 2 papers to write for school.


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Black Bean Omelette with Ezekiel bread and coconut oil and almond slivers.
Lunch: Egg whites and a baked apple.
Dinner: A turkey burker with peppers, onions, basil, garlic and a slice of avocado on one slice of Ezekiel bread.
Mood: Doing okay.  Been feeling under the weather lately, but hopefully will be on the mend soon.
Weather: Cold, but sunny.
Weight: Eh - I didn't check.
TV: Watching the Sunday episode of Celebrity Apprentice.
Blank on Purpose: Blank on Purpose.  (duh)
Reading: Finished A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1) Wow.  Not amazing, but there are quite a few characters that really caught my attention.  I definitely want to read the next ones to see what happens.


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary


So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Odd breakfast, but yummy.  Baked salmon, pears and some herbal tea.
Lunch: Chicken/Baby Clam Thai Salad
Dinner: Baked cod, a chickpea salad and pears.
Mood: Feeling very motivated.  I plan on getting a lot done this week.
Weather: Cold, with a little bit of snow.
Weight: Well, I am back to 140 lbs.  Ack.  March = crunch time!
TV: Started watching the 'United States of Tara' on Netflix.
Gaming: Played 'Battlefield 3' co-op with a friend.  He rocked. I rocked (not so much.)  I'm more of a medieval hack and slash game player.  Not too familiar with the shoot 'em up games.  But I like this one and plan on getting good.  :)
Reading: Almost done with A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1)  I like it so far.  The HBO series is er...explicit.

March 4th Journal


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Coffee.  (Organic coffee with raw milk.)  Not too bad, right?
Lunch: Again - my pictures look a little ooky, but this was really good.  Pesto and veggies with shirataki noodles, egg omelette with mushrooms and some tempeh.
Dinner: A salad with banana peppers, whole eggs, crab dip, cherry tomatoes and shredded carrots.  Salmon on the side.
Mood: I feel so stressed lately.  Why?  I am eating well, sleeping fairly well, barely worrying about school, unemployed...
Weather: More snow showers.
Weight: Not checking again.
Movie: Watching 'Pretty Woman' on TV.  Forgot how silly, but fun this movie is.
Random Pic: Pretty, snowy morning.
Reading: "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens.  Gosh, will I ever finish this book? 

February 15


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

Today...Happy Valentine's Day!

Breakfast: My favorite: Black bean omelette, topped with fresh pico de gallo.
Lunch: Chef salad...some protein (eggs and turkey) and some organic veggies (mostly organic spinach.)
Dinner: Okay, so my photos need some work.  This may look icky, but it really was yummy.  It's pesto with olive oil and peppers, onions, squash and shirataki fettuccini.  I added some chili peppers, too.
Mood: I was in a fairly good mood today. The weather was kind of cloudy, so I'm still looking forward to spring.
Weather: Snow showers...again.
Weight: I was down .08 pounds.  Honestly...I'm kind of surprised (disappointed) that I haven't lost more.  My diet is filled with raw foods and non-processed foods.  I'm curious as to why my weight hasn't gone down.  More research needed...
TV: I taped (or DVR'd...) 'The River', but ended up watching 'Switched at Birth." 
Blank on Purpose: Not much else happened today.
Reading: "David Copperfield"  This is a requirement of my current college course...and I am sooooo glad that it is nothing like "Great Expectations."

Feb 14 2012


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Nothing.
Lunch: Subway Veggie Delight: Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, sweet peppers, banana peppers, & olives on flatbread.
Dinner: Chickpeas and shirataki noodles with tempeh.  I also had some pears and natural peanut butter on the side.
Mood: A-OK
Weather: Snow showers.
Weight: Not checking until the end of next week.
Movie: Watching The Grudge 3 on
Happenings: Whitney Houston's death was announced tonight.  Such a shame.
Reading: "28 Days to a More Magnetic Life" by Sandra Anne Taylor

February 10th


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary


Breakfast: My favorite - Black Bean Omelette
Lunch: So, if you like spicy foods, this is the recipe for you.  It's from Arora Creations -  Organic Punjabi Chhole.  I had to eat it with my Shirataki fettuccini noodles.  That cut down on the spiciness.
Dinner: Yes - my dinner pic looks gross, but I was just too darned hungry to 'pretty it up.'  It is a recipe I tried before from called "Totally Thai Chicken Lettuce Cups."  Here's the recipe.  It's refreshing.  Trust me.
Mood: Motivated.  So, I am going to spend the next few days, fighting this sleepy blah I have been feeling.  Onward, Jen!
Weather: Sunny, but still cold.  Yet, it looked nice outside.
Weight: To heck with you, scale.  Tomorrow is another day.
TV: Finally watched the final episode of The Real World: San Diego.  Shhh - it's a secret that I still watch this. 
Random Pic: Not much happened today.  Sometimes, that's a good thing.
Reading: "28 days to a More Magentic Life"  I have this on my Kindle and in an old-school book format.  It's what speaks to me right now.  Next month it could be an entirely different genre, but for right now, this works for me.

February 10th, 2012


My Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Coffe.  Just coffee
Lunch: I have been fighting a cold and slept through lunch.  Just soooo sleepy!
Dinner: Shirataki noodles with a chickpea Thai recipe.
Mood: Sleepy.  Probably from being a little sick.
Weather: Sunny today, but cold.
Weight: Still seem to be hovering over the same few pounds.  Kind of irritating.
TV: Watched the 2 episodes of The River I had taped on Tuesday night.  Pretty good so far.
Random Pic: My 17-year-old was accepted to Johnson and Wales college in Rhode Island with a $2,000 yearly scholarship.  Now we just need another 20 grand per year.  :/
Reading: "Quantum Success" by Sandra Anne Taylor.  I've been fascinated with quantum physics/mind-body links, etc.

My Day - February 8


My Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: My current usual - black bean omelette.  It's easy to make and with the added protein, it's a good way to start the day.
Lunch: Not proud of this lunch.  I was just soooo busy and I didn't have time to eat something decent.  I'll have to work on that next week.
Dinner: Good dinner - a salad with baby clams, jalapeno peppers, tomatoes, and onions.  For the main dish, I had my artichoke hearts/chicken/sun-dried tomato mix.
Weather: It was sunny today.  It started off icy, but ended up being a nice day.  A little windy, though.
Weight: Still seem to be hovering over the same few pounds.  No worries, though.  That happens from time to time.
TV: Still catching up on all the shows I recorded on the DVR during the holidays.  Tonight was more Parks and Recreation.
Random Pic: So, I bought this nail kit from Rite-Aid today.  The color is supposed to dry quickly and be "ding-free."   The truth is....I am horrid when it comes to painting my own nails.  I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I hate when I see ridges and bumps on the newly painted nail (oh the horror!)  However, I am quite pleased with my first attempt tonight.  For those who are interested, I'll provide a more thorough update when I finish all of my nails tomorrow.
Reading: "Molly Fyde and the Persona Rescue by Hugh Howey" Confession...I am a tiny bit smitten with Hugh Howey.  :D  He has written some amazing stories in a few different genres, but his "Wool" series has become my one of my favorite dystopian fiction reads.

My Day - January 27



Today's Summary

Breakfast: Black Bean Omelette (it fell apart, so the picture would have looked highly unappetizing.)
Lunch: I seriously didn't eat enough today.  I am trying, but I don't seem to be hungry.  I'm going to have to force myself with some calorie dense foods tomorrow.  I don't want my body to think I'm starving.
Dinner: On the left - a huge salad.  (Organic Girl Baby Greens, olives, baby clams, crispy onions, black beans, and jalapeno peppers.) On the right - baked salmon with cajun crab dip.
Mood:  I have been going to bed waaaay too late.  I am trying to hit the hay a little earlier tonight and start doing yoga in the morning.
Weather: Cold, but clear.  We might have some ice tonight, though.  That means a possible 2-hour delay tomorrow. Whee!
Weight: Didn't really see a drop.  Possibly because I am not eating enough.
TV: We still have some old Parks and Rec, The Office, Up All Night and Tori and Dean to watch from before Christmas.
Random Pic: Colored my hair tonight.  I'm back to what my original color used to be - very blonde.
Reading: Just started The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery (A Toltec Wisdom Book)  I am switching among the following genre these days: nutrition, dystopian fiction and inspirational.


My Day - A Summary

For curious minds: 

Created with 9Diary

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My 9Diary

I just downloaded this app for my Droid yesterday: 9Diary
It's a fairly simple app that allows you to label each square and then add items to the square.  You can add text, pictures, emoticons or drawings.
I have a problem when it comes to being consistent with writing in my journal, so I am hoping this might help motivate me to do so.  

To describe the image below (I won't have time to do this every day, but when I can, I will.)


Review: The Hurricane

The Hurricane
The Hurricane by Hugh Howey

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I only just discovered Hugh Howey last week and tore my way through his "Wool" series. (I have been on a YA dystopian genre kick lately.) Next on the list was The Plagiarist and then The Hurricane.
The Hurricane is definitely not in the same genre as the others, but I really loved this one. His descriptions of the storm were incredibly real and the surreal feeling that came in the aftermath of the storm was spot-on. I was excited to discover that Mr. Howey can write for a number of different genres and is able make each and every one of them a 'page-turner.'
This one is going on my Favorites list.

View all my reviews


My First Digital Scrapbook Page

Showing off my niece with a little help from Serif’s Digital Scrapbook Artist. 
Sooo…it’s not terribly creative, but I had fun playing with the colors and embellishments.  I definitely needed to get the first one out of the way.  I’m looking forward to getting a little more daring with colors and designs over the next few months.

Cassie - Digital Scrapbook Artist


Scrapbooking Sites

So, here are some of the scrapbook challenge sites I found.  I'm hoping to get a few ideas from them over the next few days. 

How Much Is Too Much?

Although it looks like the site is now closed, there are still over 100 scrapbook challenges that can be accessed via the archives. I think my first digital scrapbook project will come from this site. Challenges

The digital software I use for scrapbooking came from DaisyTrail (Digital Scrapbook Artist.)  I went back to the site the other day and discovered a forum dedicated to scrapbook challenges.


Scrapbooking Adventures

So, I just installed one of my favorite creativity programs: Serif's Digital Scrapbook Artist.  It gives me a chance to play around with layouts, toy with colors and shapes and photos and text and I don't have to draw a thing.  One of the toughest things for me is to decide what my scrapbook challenge will be.  So, I went online and I found a few scrapbook challenge sites.  I saved the links and I am going to pick a few to work on this week.



Challenge accepted


My YouTube Creations: Part One

It occurred to me today that I actually have some creations that I didn't post here yet.  A few years ago, my teenager and I spent a summer playing around with Adobe Premiere.   She worked on various AMVs and I made some fan videos for Pirates of The Caribbean and Harry Potter.  

This one was my first video attempt.  I spent over a week on it.  It took a loooong time before I was able to listen to this song again.  I was so sick of it by the time the video was done.  :)


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