

My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Coffee.  (Organic coffee with raw milk.)  Not too bad, right?
Lunch: Again - my pictures look a little ooky, but this was really good.  Pesto and veggies with shirataki noodles, egg omelette with mushrooms and some tempeh.
Dinner: A salad with banana peppers, whole eggs, crab dip, cherry tomatoes and shredded carrots.  Salmon on the side.
Mood: I feel so stressed lately.  Why?  I am eating well, sleeping fairly well, barely worrying about school, unemployed...
Weather: More snow showers.
Weight: Not checking again.
Movie: Watching 'Pretty Woman' on TV.  Forgot how silly, but fun this movie is.
Random Pic: Pretty, snowy morning.
Reading: "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens.  Gosh, will I ever finish this book? 

February 15


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

Today...Happy Valentine's Day!

Breakfast: My favorite: Black bean omelette, topped with fresh pico de gallo.
Lunch: Chef salad...some protein (eggs and turkey) and some organic veggies (mostly organic spinach.)
Dinner: Okay, so my photos need some work.  This may look icky, but it really was yummy.  It's pesto with olive oil and peppers, onions, squash and shirataki fettuccini.  I added some chili peppers, too.
Mood: I was in a fairly good mood today. The weather was kind of cloudy, so I'm still looking forward to spring.
Weather: Snow showers...again.
Weight: I was down .08 pounds.  Honestly...I'm kind of surprised (disappointed) that I haven't lost more.  My diet is filled with raw foods and non-processed foods.  I'm curious as to why my weight hasn't gone down.  More research needed...
TV: I taped (or DVR'd...) 'The River', but ended up watching 'Switched at Birth." 
Blank on Purpose: Not much else happened today.
Reading: "David Copperfield"  This is a requirement of my current college course...and I am sooooo glad that it is nothing like "Great Expectations."

Feb 14 2012


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Nothing.
Lunch: Subway Veggie Delight: Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, sweet peppers, banana peppers, & olives on flatbread.
Dinner: Chickpeas and shirataki noodles with tempeh.  I also had some pears and natural peanut butter on the side.
Mood: A-OK
Weather: Snow showers.
Weight: Not checking until the end of next week.
Movie: Watching The Grudge 3 on
Happenings: Whitney Houston's death was announced tonight.  Such a shame.
Reading: "28 Days to a More Magnetic Life" by Sandra Anne Taylor

February 10th


My (Semi) Daily 9Diary


Breakfast: My favorite - Black Bean Omelette
Lunch: So, if you like spicy foods, this is the recipe for you.  It's from Arora Creations -  Organic Punjabi Chhole.  I had to eat it with my Shirataki fettuccini noodles.  That cut down on the spiciness.
Dinner: Yes - my dinner pic looks gross, but I was just too darned hungry to 'pretty it up.'  It is a recipe I tried before from called "Totally Thai Chicken Lettuce Cups."  Here's the recipe.  It's refreshing.  Trust me.
Mood: Motivated.  So, I am going to spend the next few days, fighting this sleepy blah I have been feeling.  Onward, Jen!
Weather: Sunny, but still cold.  Yet, it looked nice outside.
Weight: To heck with you, scale.  Tomorrow is another day.
TV: Finally watched the final episode of The Real World: San Diego.  Shhh - it's a secret that I still watch this. 
Random Pic: Not much happened today.  Sometimes, that's a good thing.
Reading: "28 days to a More Magentic Life"  I have this on my Kindle and in an old-school book format.  It's what speaks to me right now.  Next month it could be an entirely different genre, but for right now, this works for me.

February 10th, 2012


My Daily 9Diary

So, here is how I spent my day.

Breakfast: Coffe.  Just coffee
Lunch: I have been fighting a cold and slept through lunch.  Just soooo sleepy!
Dinner: Shirataki noodles with a chickpea Thai recipe.
Mood: Sleepy.  Probably from being a little sick.
Weather: Sunny today, but cold.
Weight: Still seem to be hovering over the same few pounds.  Kind of irritating.
TV: Watched the 2 episodes of The River I had taped on Tuesday night.  Pretty good so far.
Random Pic: My 17-year-old was accepted to Johnson and Wales college in Rhode Island with a $2,000 yearly scholarship.  Now we just need another 20 grand per year.  :/
Reading: "Quantum Success" by Sandra Anne Taylor.  I've been fascinated with quantum physics/mind-body links, etc.

My Day - February 8


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